Christine Garlough
Position title: Professor Women's Studies and Folklore Studies; Co-Chair of Graduate Studies, Women's Studies
Phone: 608-890-3461

Professor Garlough’s interests revolve around the areas of rhetorical theory, feminist theory, and critical social theory. Her work with grassroots feminist groups in India and diasporic South Asian communities in the U.S. has focused on the use of performance to make rhetorical claims about issues of social justice and human rights. This research, combining ethnographic fieldwork and rhetorical analysis, has been published in outlets such as Quarterly Journal of Speech, Journal of American Folklore, and Women’s Studies in Communication. Indeed, her recent article in Women’s Studies in Communication received the Feminist Scholarship Award from the Organization for Research on Women and Communication. Her interests in human rights has led her to become involved in a variety of interdepartmental activities on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus, such as the Mellon Grant Workshop on “Time, Poetics, and the Ethics of Testimony” and a Faculty Development Seminar on “Migration and Diaspora” sponsored by the Center for Humanities. In addition, she is affiliated with a number of programs on campus, such as the Center for South Asia, the Folklore Program, the Theater and Drama Department, and the Human Rights Initiative.